MAGA Dentist Goes On Violent Threat Rampage Against Trump Critics: “Prepare To Die!”

Posted June 25, 2024 by with 2 comments

Imagine this guy giving you a root canal? From Florida, of course, a MAGA dentist sent messages threatening to rape and murder over 40 people who had been critical of Trump online. Via DailyMail:

In one message he allegedly told the victim: “You, sir, are a degenerate piece of s***. I read your article about The Great Donald Trump. You are gay… I can tell. F*** you. Hire extra security… you’re gonna need it. I plan on f***ing you up… just for the fun of it.”

The message labelled him an ‘anti-Christian piece of s***’ and told him, “we are going to kill you. Torture first, then death.”

It added: “You will deny Christ, just like Judas because you are a coward. Either way… prepare to die.”

In a message to a different victim, Kantwill allegedly wrote: ‘Take note because liberal [redacted] like you get raped in alleys, by really big black guys that serve our cause.”

Here’s a report from WFLA in Tampa, but note how they don’t even mention that the psycho dentist was fueled by Trump. They can’t risk offending all their MAGAt viewers:

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