MAGA Whore Running For Missouri Secretary Of State Tells Voters “Don’t Be Weak And Gay”

Posted May 15, 2024 by with 3 comments

This is the same bimbo whore who suggested LGBTs should be burned alive when she took a flame thrower to a bunch of books earlier this year, so she obviously has a clear obsession with gays, and she’s counting on Missouri’s Christofascists to cast their votes for her. Her latest viral ad:

The Missouri Republican primary for Secretary of State is in August, where the lunatic cunt faces seven other candidates. I can’t find any polling to see how it’s expected to turn out, but Gomez is said to be leading in fundraising. While she’s just another MAGA troll cut from the same cloth as Marjorie Taylor-Greene and Lauren Boebert, she’ll probably win. I would expect nothing less from this joke of a country and its bigoted brain dead voters.

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