Surprise: WhyNotBi Returns With Gay Porn Star Malik Delgaty In Bisexual Porn Debut

Posted March 8, 2022 by with 17 comments

[UPDATE: Note that this scene was also released today on, so if you have a Men pass, you can see it there now without having to join WhyNotBi.]

WhyNotBi stopped regularly producing content two years ago, but there’s good news(?) for bi fans today, because the porn studio is rising from the dead this week with a new video starring Malik Delgaty, in what I believe is his bisexual porn debut.

As a reminder, Malik Delgaty is openly straight, although he has admitted that he prefers certain guys (like Sean Ford) when he has to have gay sex. Today, Malik gets to live the best of both worlds as he fucks a woman and a man—Laura Fox and Aiden Jacobs—and they’re both quite beautiful.

Malik Delgaty—luckiest straight guy on earth?

Because I’m gay, I would actually consider Laura Fox the luckiest person on earth, as she gets to be fucked by both these hunks, tbh.

Note that because this is a WhyNotBi (same owner as MEN) scene, Malik is of course tricked into gay sex. Other than that, this looks good.

Trailer (watch full scene here)

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[WhyNotBi: Malik Delgaty Fucks Laura Fox And Aiden Jacobs Bareback]

[ Malik Delgaty’s Bi Porn Debut]

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