Man Breaks Penis Performing “World’s Most Dangerous Sex Position”

Posted April 10, 2023 by with 6 comments

tylerh54[gif of Corey Marshall fucking Tyler Hill in the reverse cowgirl position–deemed the “world’s most dangerous sex position”—via Helix Studios]

Be careful the next time you try and fuck in the reverse cowgirl (or, maybe it should be called reverse “cowperson”) position, as it’s considered extremely dangerous. Via NY Post:

An Indonesian man had to undergo emergency surgery after fracturing his penis while performing a notoriously risky sex position — which left him with an “eggplant” phallus.

A study detailing the breaking news was published recently in the journal Urology Case Reports.

The freak accident occurred while the unnamed 37-year-old male was reportedly having intercourse in the “reverse cowgirl” position, in which the woman is on top facing away from her partner.

According to TikTok doctor Dr. Karan Raj, this is the “world’s most dangerous” pleasure pose, responsible for a whopping 50% of fractures.

Lo and behold, things went south after the man suddenly heard a loud cracking sound followed by “pain discomfort and immediate loss of erection.”

Following the boudoir backfire, the patient began bleeding out of the tip of his penis and found himself unable to urinate.

[NY Post]

Surgeons were thankfully able to repair the fractured penis, and within a few weeks, the man was able to urinate and achieve an erection normally again.

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