Man Chops Off Penis In “Fit Of Cannabis-Induced Psychosis”

Posted February 4, 2022 by with 5 comments

[image via FratX]

I’m thinking this guy probably had some issues to begin with, but the pot didn’t help:

A man in Thailand’s bong session went disastrously wrong, according to his doctors. In a new case report, they describe how he “completely amputated his penis” using scissors, apparently due to a rare episode of cannabis-induced psychosis. Though the man’s delusional symptoms faded after being admitted to the hospital and his injuries were treated, doctors weren’t able to reattach the lost appendage.

The bizarre injury was detailed in a paper published over the weekend in the Journal of Medical Case Reports by doctors from Chiang Mai University in Thailand.

The 23-year-old man had reportedly been a regular cannabis user for the past two years but had stopped for the preceding three months. He then got back into his habit by smoking two bongs of cannabis, equivalent to two grams worth, according to the paper. Two hours later, he began to experience an unwanted erection, along with a severe and persistent sharp pain in his penis; he also reported that his glans (the tip of the penis) looked “distorted” to him. In an attempt to stop the pain, he decided to grab a pair of scissors and to “trim the penile skin several times.” Eventually, he severed his penis clean off, leaving behind an inch-long stump.

He was admitted to the hospital two hours after the amputation and immediately treated with antibiotics and a tetanus booster. Unfortunately, though the penis was recovered, it was deemed too dirty and fragile to be reconstructed and reattached. By the time doctors saw the man, his amputated member had even been left crawling with ants…

[Gizmodo: A Man Chopped Off His Penis With Scissors in a Fit of Cannabis-Induced Psychosis, Doctors Say]

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