Man Has Penis Removed From Arm And Attached Below His Waist After Old One Fell Off

Posted May 1, 2022 by with 1 comment

Always good to have your penis in the right spot. Via The Sun (with some gruesome photos at the link):

“The first thing I did was look down and I was like, ‘Oh my days. They got it right this time’. I feel like a real man again.”

The Sun revealed how a nightmarish blood infection led to his penis falling off one fateful day in 2010.

A willy doctor built him a new six-inch member and it was due to be attached in 2015 but, due to a lack of oxygen in his blood, it was grafted temporarily to his arm.

Then hospital delays and the Covid pandemic meant the £50,000 NHS-funded appendage had to stay there, turning Malcolm’s life upside down.

An elderly lady once asked him to get an item from the top shelf of a supermarket — but the willy came loose and swung down near her head.


[The Sun]

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