Man On Vacation In Italy Facing Penis And Scrotum Amputation Following Drug-Fueled 24-Hour “Marathon” Fuckfest

Posted May 22, 2023 by with 1 comment

Be careful out there. Via DailyMail:

A German tourist faces having his penis amputated after a 24-hour ecstasy and Viagra sex marathon with his wife on holiday left him with septic shock.

The man, 50, is in a serious condition in hospital in Grosseto, Italy, after having sex under the influence of drugs for an estimated 24 hours.

The two allegedly had the ‘crazy’ sex session after taking MDMA at their apartment in Castel del Piano.

The man has now been in the ICU at a local hospital for over a week, and while his prognosis is confidential, his condition is obviously critical. Per local media (that link takes you to an Italian news site), the man’s septic shock caused necrosis of his penis and scrotum, which will likely need to be amputated.

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