Man Suing Venetian Hotel After Scorpion Stung Testicles Says Sex Life “Ruined”

Posted September 2, 2024 by with 0 comments

We first heard about the scorpion stinging a Venetian hotel guest’s nuts back in March, and of course the man has now filed a lawsuit against the five-star resort. He says he can’t get a boner anymore because of the scorpion’s sting, but given that he looks middle-aged, I’m sure the Venetian will argue that he probably had erectile dysfunction already, and he’s gonna have to prove that the scorpion is to blame. The pic of the scorpion on the guy’s underwear is surprising, because I guess I didn’t realize that scorpions were that tiny. Or, does the guy just have gigantic fucking underwear (and a huge cock?), which makes the scorpion look small? Also, is the scorpion dead in that pic? I would think that we would’ve smushed it or something after it bit his balls, but hopefully he kept it, because it’s a key piece of evidence that would have his DNA on it, which would prove that it stung him. Via CBS8:

On the one hand, I’m all for bankrupting a greedy Vegas hotel casino, but on the other hand, frivolous lawsuits piss me off. The fact that the wife is involved in part of the claim for loss of consortium shows me they’re milking this for all its worth. Basically, “loss of consortium” means the wife is entitled to damages, too, because her husband can’t fuck her like he used to.

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