Man Who Removed Condom Without Consent During Sex Convicted Of “Stealthing”

Posted March 14, 2023 by with 1 comment

Via NL Times:

On Tuesday, the court in Dordrecht sentenced 28-year-old Khaldoun F. from Rotterdam to 3 months on probation for secretly removing his condom during sex. The court considered the act to be a form of coercion, but acquitted the man of rape. This is the first time in the Netherlands that a suspect was convicted of stealthing.

During a date with a woman in the summer of 2021, F. and his date agreed to have sex and that F. would wear a condom. When they were making out, he allegedly took off the condom in secret.

The court ruled that F. abused the trust his sexual partner had placed in him. He also knowingly took the risk that he could give her an STI or impregnate her without her knowledge or consent.

According to the court, there was intent in the case of Khaldoun F. The court based this on the statements of the woman and conversations that the two had afterwards via WhatsApp.

[NL Times]

This is the first “stealthing” conviction in the Netherlands. In the United States, California is the only state where it’s illegal to remove a condom without consent. Governor Gavin Newsom signed the anti-stealthing bill into law in 2021.

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