Memphis PD Releases Video Of Police Murdering Innocent Man After Traffic Stop

Posted January 27, 2023 by with 0 comments

The video below is obviously extremely disturbing to watch, but it’s an important reminder of the systemic evil, lawlessness, and corruption within not just the Memphis police department, but all police departments nationwide. Of course, after the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, and hundreds of other innocent people killed by police, most are already aware of how American cops operate as a sort of terrorist organization.

The full story on how Tyre Nichols was brutally beaten by police after a traffic stop is here, and the five cops who kidnapped and killed him have been charged with murder.

The beating starts shortly after the 2-minute mark in the video below, and note that officers (as well as paramedics) let Nichols die slumped over next to a car for nearly 30 minutes after bludgeoning him.

The video above is from a camera attached to a streetlamp above the murder.

Memphis PD has released additional videos here, and here’s body cam footage showing the initial traffic stop, in which officers throw Nichols out of his car and try to pepper spray him for no reason (but end up pepper spraying themselves):

Protests are going on now in major cities across the country after the release of the videos. Nichols’ family has repeatedly asked for those protests to be peaceful.

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