Here’s “Group Home,” Possibly’s Most Disturbingly Offensive Series Ever

Posted November 5, 2016 by with 91 comments

0005This weekend marks the release of’s new series, “Group Home,” which could be the studio’s most bizarre, disturbing, and overall offensive “parody” yet. In case you can’t guess why, it’s because this series is making light (via gay porn) of what happens in group homes, where young people (in this case, young men) have to live to often escape abusive families, treat mental disabilities, recover from drug use, or survive other traumatic experiences as they enter adulthood. Via

Welcome to the Group Home, where five nasty boys work, live, and fuck. Noah Jones and Will Braun have no problem hooking up in front of their roommates. The roomies know the drill, and let the boys have the room to themselves for some hole drilling. Noah wets his cock in Will’s eager mouth, priming him before he thrusts into Will’s ass.

0012And here’s a simple definition of what a group home actually is, via Wikipedia:

A group home is a private residence for children or young people who cannot live with their families, people with chronic disabilities who may be adults or seniors, or people with dementia. Typically there are no more than six residents and there is at least one trained caregiver there 24 hours a day. In some early “model programs,” a house manager, night manager, weekend activity coordinator, and 4 part-time skill teachers were reported. Originally, the term group home referred to homes of 8 to 16 individuals, which was a state-mandated size during deinstitutionalization. Residents of group homes usually have a disability, such as autism, intellectual disability, chronic or long-term mental/psychiatric disorder, or physical or even multiple disabilities because those are the non-profit and state-regional organizations which began and operated the homes. Some group homes were funded as transitional homes to prepare for independent living (in an apartment or return to family or marriage and employment), and others were viewed as permanent community homes. People who live in a group home offering support services may be developmentally disabled, recovering from alcohol or drug addiction (e.g., who may have attended a youth drug court hosted by the judicial system), abused or neglected youths, youths with behavioral or emotional problems, and/or youths with criminal records.

0015Finally, one Str8UpGayPorn reader—who happens to work in the group home industry—wrote me to offer his take on’s “Group Home” series:

As I work for the state in a position where I monitor group homes and their contractual requirements for treating traumatized youth, I can’t understand why believes this subject matter is appropriate fodder for a sex scene. In my position, we must ensure that children who have been abused at home are not re-traumatized while in custody and placed in group living facilities (which this scene may potentially be portraying). In my opinion, making a sexual fantasy about traumatized youth (I can only imagine the age range the producers at intend the models to portray) in a treatment facility is unconscionable and despicable. What type of consumer are they targeting with this material? It really borders on paraphilia-like content in my opinion. Very disturbing.

0018 0020’s “Group Home” will have additional episodes released later this month. They will not be covered here.

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[ “Group Home”]

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