Michigan Man Found Guilty Of Jacking Off Into Tickle Me Elmo Doll’s Mouth During Home Inspection

Posted October 12, 2022 by with 2 comments

This story was first reported over a year ago, and now a jury has found a Michigan home inspector guilty of aggravated indecent exposure after masturbating inside a child’s closet with a Tickle Me Elmo doll. Even more insane, the man was jerking off with the doll in the closet while he was there with home buyers and a real estate agent to do an inspection of the house. Whatever happened to just jerking off in your own damn closet with your own damn dolls, without a bunch of random people right down the hall? Who in their right mind is this desperately fucking horny? Via The Smoking Gun:

A jury yesterday convicted a Michigan man of aggravated indecent exposure for using a Tickle Me Elmo doll to masturbate while he was inspecting a residence on behalf of a potential purchaser.

Kevin VanLuven, 60, was found guilty of the misdemeanor following a one-day trial in Oakland County Circuit Court. The jury acquitted VanLuven of malicious destruction of property, also a misdemeanor.

Judge Phyllis McMillen scheduled VanLuven’s sentencing for December 2. The indecent exposure count carries a maximum penalty of two years in prison and a $2000 fine.

VanLuven was inspecting the Oxford Township home on behalf of a potential purchaser. The home’s owners had let VanLuven, another inspector, the buyers, and a real estate agent into the property.


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