The Top 20 Most Unforgettable Mick Lovell Gifs Of All Time

Posted June 18, 2014 by with 4 comments

018Bel Ami’s Mick Lovell may have retired well over a year ago, but that doesn’t mean he still isn’t among the top searched gay porn stars on this site. In fact, searches for “mick lovell gif” and “mick lovell porn” bring in more traffic than searches for gay porn stars who are still actively working. So, in honor of the people still searching for “mick lovell gifs” (and in light of the fact that I too am still obsessed with Mick Lovell), here are the Top 20 Most Unforgettable Mick Lovell Gifs Of All Time.

(Click any gif to go to Mick Lovell’s scenes on Bel Ami.)

tumblr_m7cl4b8gyP1qef808o1_500Mick Lovell getting deep-dicked bareback by Vadim Farrell.

tumblr_m7w5gsd8mV1rbz769o1_500Mick Lovell jerking off with Alex Waters.

tumblr_mjvdtdjdJq1r86qzgo1_500Mick Lovell jerking off by himself.


Mick Lovell still jerking off, this time with Harris Hilton.

tumblr_m7xsjhbLkS1qjzwvbo1_500Mick Lovell fucking Todd Rosset.

tumblr_m36clf9Xhu1qef808o14_250tumblr_mhtr9p7R3L1s0v3g1o1_500Mick Lovell getting the bejesus barebacked out of him by Manuel Rios.

tumblr_mgwiwv3Ftd1qjzwvbo6_500Kris Evans shoots one of his signature gigantic loads across Mick Lovell’s face and into his mouth.

tumblr_mryne32G1p1rw3pgqo1_400The best blowjob Mick Lovell ever received at Bel Ami (and the best blowjob Mick Lovell will probably ever receive for the rest of his life) was from Kevin Warhol.


Mick Lovell paints Kevin Warhol’s hole with multiple ropes of cum.

tumblr_mue0l8wTBg1sstik3o6_400And then Kevin Warhol barebacks Mick Lovell in return.

tumblr_mue0l8wTBg1sstik3o3_500Mick Lovell blows a load while someone gently dick slaps him.

tumblr_mtaw9iCAaK1qjzwvbo2_r1_500Mick Lovell shows off for Rick Lautner.

tumblr_mtaw9iCAaK1qjzwvbo4_500And then  plows him bareback.

tumblr_mtqcjwsw4t1r257ybo1_500More Kevin Warhol? Yes, more Kevin. This time he’s sharing Mick Lovell’s cock with Gino Mosca.

tumblr_mt8yls1dO91s6xk1jo1_400And who could forget when Mick Lovell dumped a load in Kevin Warhol’s mouth, which he in turn spit directly into Gino Mosca’s hole?

tumblr_m7d9op9BnZ1ry041fo1_500Finally, Phillipe Gaudin fucking the cum out of Mick Lovell.



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