Millions Suffering In Houston Due To Over A Week Without Power During 100-Degree Heatwave

Posted July 13, 2024 by with 3 comments

Sometimes I forget (and maybe you do, too) that the United States is a third-world country. Seeing what’s going on in Houston right now is a good reminder. Over two million people in the fourth most-populated American city have been without power for over a week now, and while this should be the lead story on every nightly newscast and the headline of every daily newspaper, it’s of course not. Oh well. Carry on. That’s going to be the way things are now in these final days. Worthless and corrupt criminals posing as “politicians” will do nothing, and the money laundering crime rings posing as “energy companies” are just trying to pocket as much of your cash as they can before they flee the scene. Nothing to see here…

With power grids that haven’t been updated in 50+ years and already unhealthy people living in squalor conditions amidst a crumbling infrastructure, none of this is a surprise, sadly.

We’re all just one heatwave or one natural disaster away from complete societal collapse. Stock up on what you can, or better yet, get the hell out of this country ASAP. Once Trump and the MAGAts take over the entire government next year, thanks to demented ego maniac Joe Biden refusing to let a non-corpse take his place, the collapse will accelerate. Just a few years left…

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