Mom Gets Ruler Tattooed On Arm So She Can Measure Men’s Penises Before Fucking Them

Posted February 10, 2022 by with 6 comments

Very crafty of her, and no doubt comes in handy! Although, I would think that men who are already insecure about their size probably won’t be comfortable going out with her. Via Mirror:

A mum has opened up about her decision to have a discreet ruler inked on her arm, allowing her to measure the length of a partner’s manhood.

34-year-old Tracy Kiss, from Buckinghamshire, opted for a series of visually attractive dots lined up from her elbow right up to her pinky finger, measuring every inch and a half of skin.

All Tracy has to do is place her arm next to a partner to figure out his size, an attribute the yoga instructor and life coach says she really enjoys knowing about “for imagination purposes when you’re not together”.

Given that the tat is “rather discreet”, this allows Tracy to “innocently reach up to stroke his stomach whilst taking a glance at my arm alongside it to count the inches rather than guessing with hands”.

Tracy began considering this cheeky design following an encounter with a date who “didn’t know his size, or rather didn’t choose to reveal it to me”.

“Shocked” by this admission, Tracy found her partner’s penis to be “incredibly impressive” and couldn’t believe he’d never taken the time to measure himself.

She joked at the time that she would “bring a ruler with me next time”. Her date asked her where it was and they both enjoyed a good laugh about it.

This conversation led Tracy to start thinking about getting “a tattoo in inches that I could take with me everywhere” thus satisfying her “need to measure things discreetly without making anybody feel judged or insecure”.

She added: “It’s not all about size, it’s what you do with it and how your partner makes you feel when building an intimate connection, but for those who enjoy finer details it really is the cherry on the cake for me.”

[Mirror: Mum gets cheeky ruler tattoo to measure penis sizes before sex to daughter’s horror]

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