Monkeys Now Breaking Into Buildings And Kidnapping Children

Posted July 27, 2022 by with 4 comments

Move over monkeypox, it’s time for monkeykidnapping! Via AP:

People in a southwestern Japanese city have come under attack from monkeys that are trying to snatch babies, biting and clawing at flesh, and sneaking into nursery schools.

The attacks — on 58 people since July 8 — are getting so bad Yamaguchi city hall hired a special unit to hunt the animals with tranquilizer guns.

“They are so smart, and they tend to sneak up and attack from behind, often grabbing at your legs,” city official Masato Saito said Wednesday.

A woman was assaulted by a monkey while hanging laundry on her veranda. Another victim showed bandaged toes. They were taken aback and frightened by how big and fat the monkeys were.


This video has been around for a couple of years and it’s not from Japan, but it does give you an idea of how vicious and brazen the little devils can be:

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