Montana Man Sentenced To 18 Years In Prison For Attempting To Murder Entire LGBT Population And “Rid Town” Of Gays

Posted June 15, 2023 by with 10 comments

He fired off a machine gun hoping to kill as many LGBTs as possible, so when he’s released in 18 years, he’ll presumably just do the same thing all over again, possibly even killing people next time. Via CNN:

A Montana man has been sentenced to 18 years in prison after his conviction on federal hate crime and firearm charges related to a “self-described mission to rid the town of Basin of its lesbian, queer and gay community,” officials said.

John Russell Howald was convicted in February for firing an AK-style rifle at the home of a woman who openly identified as a lesbian, the US Department of Justice said in a news release. The woman was inside the home during the March 2020 incident.

“Hoping he had killed her, Howald set off toward other houses occupied by people who identify as lesbian, queer or gay,” the release said.

Howald was recorded “yelling and firing more rounds with the same rifle, expressing his hatred toward the community’s gay and lesbian residents and his determination to ‘clean’ them from his town,” the release said.


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