Naked Woman Who Attacked Homeowner With Frying Pan Shot In Leg

Posted March 6, 2023 by with 1 comment

Surprisingly, this was in Virginia, not Florida. Summary below via WSET (full story here):

Law enforcement said on February 26 a homeowner heard a noise behind his house and found a stranger coming inside. According to the sheriff’s office, she was “an unclothed female” who started hitting the man in the head and hand with a cast iron frying pan.

He managed to get her back outside onto the porch, where the CCSO said she started turning all the electrical breakers, beating on the kitchen window, and “yelling at the homeowner to get out of her house or she was going to kill him.”

“The female then began beating on the same door in which she had already made entry previously, at which time the homeowner discharged his firearm, striking the female in the lower leg area,” CCSO said.


There’s been nothing reported about why or how the woman was naked (as we all know, it’s fairly common for Americans to be wandering the streets naked, so I guess this isn’t a surprise), and she’s being held without bond pending arraignment. The homeowner fired the gun in self defense, so he’s not being charged.

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