[UPDATED] Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Brutally Beaten With Hammer By Home Intruder Screaming “Where Is Nancy?!”

Posted October 28, 2022 by with 12 comments

Just as they searched for her in the Capitol on January 6th, Trump’s terrorists are at work again, this time breaking into Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s home and severely beating her husband with a hammer. The suspect, David Depape, screamed “Where is Nancy?!” as he attacked Paul Pelosi, who’s now hospitalized in San Francisco. Via AP:

The intruder who attacked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband in their San Francisco home was searching for the Democratic leader, shouting “Where is Nancy, where is Nancy?” before assaulting Paul Pelosi with a hammer.

Those shouts were a chilling echo of the chants during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the Capitol, when rioters trying to stop Joe Biden’s election searched menacingly through the halls for the speaker.

Paul Pelosi was attacked and severely beaten by an assailant who broke into the Pelosi home early Friday, police said. The intruder confronted him shouting for the speaker’s whereabouts, according to another person briefed on the situation.


Depape has been charged with attempted homicide and assault with a deadly weapon. These kinds of violent attacks from the MAGAts and the QAnon freaks are only going to get worse, especially after Trump is indicted.

More, via CNN:

Last year, David DePape posted links on his Facebook page to multiple videos produced by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely alleging that the 2020 election was stolen. Other posts included transphobic images and linked to websites claiming Covid-19 vaccines were deadly. “The death rates being promoted are what ever ‘THEY’ want to be promoted as the death rate,” one post read.

DePape also posted links to YouTube videos with titles like “Democrat FARCE Commission to Investigate January 6th Capitol Riot COLLAPSES in Congress!!!” and “Global Elites Plan To Take Control Of YOUR Money!”



[images of DePape via San Francisco Chronicle/AP]

Photos and more details about the attacker are now being reported, and he’s being described as a “nudist enthusiast” who peddled COVID conspiracy theories (of course) and had a “hitlist of other politicians.” Via KRON:

A blog titled “God Is Loving” and written by an author named David Depape. The blog focused on “Big Brother” conspiracy theories and censorship. The author rails against an “elite ruling class” of mainstream media and and technology companies for censoring those not in power.

In a post written in August, the author writes, “The elites/ruling class never censor themselves. You can still turn on any mainstream news channel to hear day and night the narrative put forth by the people who rule you. The founding father built in protection against censorship coming from the government because they never imagined a day when Tech giants and private industry would be so powerful they could single handedly silence the people.”

DePape appears to have made racist, and often rambling, posts online, including some that questioned the results of the 2020 election, defended Donald Trump and echoed QAnon conspiracy theories.

Online posts under DePape’s name repeated false claims about COVID vaccines, questioned whether climate change is real and displayed an illustration of a zombified Hillary Clinton dining on human flesh.


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