New Studies Debunk “Lab Leak” Theory And Prove That COVID Originated Naturally In Wuhan Animal Market

Posted July 26, 2022 by with 2 comments

The whole COVID “lab leak” theory is effectively over, as two new peer-reviewed papers show how the virus originated in the Wuhan animal market, proving that the virus jumped from animals to humans. While this is extremely valuable information for anyone interested in saving human lives (understanding how the pandemic began can help prevent the next one), there will undoubtedly still be some who are hell bent on blaming Dr. Fauci, Biden, drag queens, China, Hillary, or whoever Fox News and the MAGA cabal are targeting, regardless of the evidence. Via AFP:

An animal market in China’s Wuhan really was the epicenter of the Covid pandemic, according to a pair of new studies in the journal Science published Tuesday that claimed to have tipped the balance in the debate about the virus’ origins.

Answering the question of whether the disease spilled over naturally from animals to humans, or was the result of a lab accident, is viewed as vital to averting the next pandemic and saving millions of lives.

The first paper analyzed the geographic pattern of Covid cases in the outbreak’s first month, December 2019, showing the first cases were tightly clustered around the Huanan Market.

The second examined genomic data from the earliest cases to study the virus’ early evolution, concluding it was unlikely the coronavirus circulated widely in humans prior to November 2019.

Both were previously posted as “preprints” but have now been vetted by scientific peer review and appear in a prestigious journal.


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