New York State Sues Donald Trump And Children For Fraud

Posted September 21, 2022 by with 1 comment

Nice! Although it’s only a civil suit seeking about $250 million in penalties, the NY AG has also referred the case to the IRS for criminal prosecution. And don’t forget the upcoming Trump indictment for holding classified documents at his Florida house. One way or another, the orange freak will either be dead (hopefully all the stress might give him a massive stroke or heart attack?) or in jail before 2024. Full lawsuit details at The Guardian, but here’s an excerpt:

The attorney general of New York state has filed a civil lawsuit against Donald Trump and members of his family, the culmination of a years-long investigation of financial practices at the Trump Organization.

Letitia James announced the suit in New York on Wednesday in a move that is sure to increase consternation with the former US president, his family and his inner circle about the legal predicament he finds himself in.

Announcing the suit before reporters in New York, James said: “The complaint demonstrates that Donald Trump falsely inflated his net worth by billions of dollars to unjustly enrich himself and to cheat the system, thereby cheating all of us. He did this with the help of the other defendants.”

A statement said James’ suit was filed “against Donald Trump, the Trump Organization, senior management and involved entities for engaging in years of financial fraud to obtain a host of economic benefits.

“The lawsuit alleges that Donald Trump, with the help of his children Donald Trump Jr, Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump, and senior executives of the Trump Organization, falsely inflated his net worth by billions of dollars to induce banks to lend money to the Trump Organization on more favorable terms than would otherwise have been available to the company, to satisfy continuing loan covenants, induce insurers to provide insurance coverage for higher limits and lower premiums, and to gain tax benefits, among other things.”

[The Guardian]

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