Newly Elected Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman Hospitalized In Washington D.C.

Posted February 8, 2023 by with 2 comments

Via CNN:

Sen. John Fetterman is being kept overnight in a Washington, DC, hospital “for observation,” after being admitted earlier Wednesday after feeling lightheaded, his office said in a statement.

The Pennsylvania Democrat was elected to the Senate in November while recovering from a stroke he had suffered in May. According to his spokesperson, there was no evidence of a new stroke Wednesday, but he was set to undergo more tests during his hospital stay.

“Towards the end of the Senate Democratic retreat today, Senator John Fetterman began feeling lightheaded. He left and called his staff, who picked him up and drove him to The George Washington University Hospital. Initial tests did not show evidence of a new stroke, but doctors are running more tests and John is remaining overnight for observation,” Fetterman’s communications director, Joe Calvello, said in the statement


If Fetterman were to become incapacitated and unable to serve, Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro (D) would appoint a successor to temporarily serve until the next general election in 2024. If I understand the state’s rules correctly, the person appointed must run for office (assuming they want to run) in 2024 and win in order to finish serving out Fetterman’s six-year term, through 2028. If Fetterman remains in office, he obviously doesn’t have to run again until 2028.

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