Bromo And DickDorm Gay Porn Stars Fucking In The Same Room On The Same Ottoman On The Same Day

Posted February 27, 2017 by with 12 comments

bromdc42Just when I think I’m done realizing how bad a gay porn studio is…surprise! It’s been pointed out repeatedly that supposedly “different” gay porn studios DickDorm (which uses a “RealityDudes” watermark on its photos, but the studio name is DickDorm), Bromo, and Sean Cody are all owned by the same conglomerate (Mindgeek), they all film in the same house using the same crew, and—as of today—at least two of the studios are using the same awful camera /filming equipment. But now, as of tonight, I’ve just realized another production fuck-up: Bromo and DickDorm (which, again, are supposed to be two completely separate gay porn studios) are both filming in a new exact same location, using the exact same furniture.

brdcw3You saw the DickDorm disaster a few hours ago, but just now, I was bored (like, really bored) and looking at the photos from today’s Bromo scene (above, right), and I recognized the ottoman on which Jordan Levine was fucking Pierce Hartman. Turns out, it’s the exact same ottoman that the DickDorm bros were fucking on earlier today. In the exact same room.

brdc65DickDorm is supposed to be a frat house (or something) and they threw trash all over the room. The Bromo scene is supposed to be someone’s empty bedroom? Whatever the hell is going on, I feel bad for the poor BromoDickDorm employee who has to move all this furniture around, tape up and tear down those stupid posters, and clean up all this shit over and over and over again.

bromdws33SeanDickBromo filming with hand-me-down cameras by shared crews on overused ottomans in empty rooms in San Diego makes RagingHotFalcon’s sex on boxes in empty warehouses in Las Vegas look unique and sophisticated!

And it’s not just the ottoman. They’re also hauling around that ugly sectional. For the DickDorm scene, they added duct tape to the corner of the chaise and moved it to the opposite side of the room, away from the window:

bromdc3The Dick and Bromo scenes in the exact same rooms on the exact same furniture being released on the exact same day is almost funny, if it weren’t so embarrassing. (Not that either of these studios are even able to be embarrassed.)

Instead of the sectional, they put a table and some garbage in front of the window for the DickDorm scene:

bromdc1So, SeanDickBromo. What’s the point of having “different” studios when they’re all owned and operated by the same people? Why waste the time and money trying (and failing) to “brand” the studios differently, when they’re not? Just ditch the Solo cups, ski masks, titty posters, and bongs, then dump all the scenes onto one site under one name and hope for the best. (Actually, just kidding, keep the bongs.) Then, use the money you’ve saved on marketing and Party City props to hire, oh, I don’t know, someone who knows how to make gay porn?

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Fake frat house porn. Fake fetish porn. Fake sets. Fake fucking. When a studio (or three studios!) clearly doesn’t give two fucks about what they’re doing, why should anyone care enough to pay for it?

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