Now Str8UpGayPorn Has Been Suspended From Twitter, Too

Posted November 5, 2021 by with 27 comments

The Twitter trolls are on a rampage.

Earlier this week, Rhyheim Shabazz and multiple Brazilian gay porn stars were suspended from Twitter, and now today, Str8UpGayPorn’s account has been suspended, too. While Rhyheim’s account was incorrectly suspended for something called a “ban evasion,” Str8Up was suspended because someone filed a false DMCA copyright notice against us for a tweet containing a video. The video in question was from one of our studio affiliates (the studio affiliate didn’t file the DMCA—it was someone pretending to be the affiliate), meaning Str8Up had the right to post the video, as it was an advertisement for the affiliate. This has actually happened before thanks to a troll filing a false DMCA, and Str8Up had to file a DMCA counter notification letting Twitter know that the DMCA was false. We’ve done the same filing today and are awaiting a reply from Twitter, but there’s a good chance Twitter won’t respond or even read the counter notification, and they’ll just leave Str8Up suspended forever (it’s their private website, so they can do whatever they want, for any reason). In the meantime, Str8Up is still active using our Str8UpGayPorn Awards account, which you can follow here.

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