NYT Poll Shows Trump Leading Biden By Wide Margins In Nearly Every Single Swing State

Posted November 6, 2023 by with 18 comments

Full results from a New York Times and Siena College poll conducted last week are here, but as you can see above, Trump is leading Biden by a staggering 11 points in Nevada, 5 points in Michigan, 6 points in Georgia, 4 points in Pennsylvania, and 5 points in Arizona. Only in Wisconsin is Biden slightly ahead by 2 points, although that’s within the margin of error. Biden carried all six swing states in the 2020 election.

Polls nearly one year away from an election aren’t reliable, but they do provide a snapshot, and if these results were to remain the same in another poll six months from now, Democrats would obviously have cause for concern. Regardless, Str8UpGayPorn has predicted that Biden won’t be the Democratic nominee anyway come November 2024, and I believe he’ll drop out shortly before the DNC convention next August. (I also don’t believe Trump will be the Republican nominee, as he’ll likely be convicted in at least one of his criminal trials, and the Republican party will find a way to get him off the ballot.) David Axelrod, the former White House official and senior advisor to Barack Obama, seems to be on the same wavelength, and he posted the below tweets yesterday suggesting that Biden should consider dropping out:

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