Ohio Haunted House Apologizes After Hiring Convicted Rapist To Scare Children

Posted October 7, 2022 by with 0 comments

Nothing says “America” like rapists scaring children in haunted houses. Local news report above, and story via Cleveland19:

A Sheffield Lake mother claims she quit working at the Spooky Ranch haunted house when she discovered some of her coworkers were on the child sex offender registry.

“Physically sick, sick to my stomach,” Kim Neubauer said.

Neubauer said when she found out the truth about her coworkers. She felt like Spooky Ranch should have let customers know.“Since they failed to put the notice up that they were there with minors, somebody has to say something,” Neubauer said. “I guess I’m that somebody.”

One of them was on the registry for unlawful sexual conduct with a 15-year-old and the other, a habitual sex offender, convicted of raping a 7-year-old girl and 11-year-old boy.

One of the offenders served jail time and was released. The other was sentenced to community control.

19 reporter Kelly Kennedy texted the owner of Spooky Ranch. She said she fired the two sex offenders because she didn’t want any problems or bad publicity. She said she did not do background checks, but said she will start doing them from now on.


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