“Openly Gay” Congressman-Elect Lied About Divorce From Woman And Grandparents Being Holocaust Survivors

Posted December 22, 2022 by with 11 comments

Only Republicans would vote for a worthless conman like this, and now we’re learning of even more lies from George Santos, the disgraced fraud from New York who was just elected to Congress. In addition to the lies about his employment and education, a new report from Forward reveals that Santos also lied about his grandparents being Holocaust survivors:

Congressman-elect George Santos’ emotional narrative of having Jewish grandparents who fled Europe during World War II appears to be untrue, like much of the rest of his campaign biography, according to genealogy websites reviewed by the Forward.

Santos, a Long Island Republican, has said that his father was Catholic and his mother was Jewish, and that both faiths “are mine.” The very first line of the “About George” page on his campaign website states: “George’s grandparents fled Jewish persecution in Ukraine, settled in Belgium, and again fled persecution during WWII.”

But the website myheritage.com lists Santos’ maternal grandparents as having both been born in Brazil before the Nazis rose to power — his grandfather, Paulo Horta Devolder, in 1918, and his grandmother, Rosalina Caruso Horta Devolder, in Rio, in 1927. An online obituary for Santos’ mother, Fatima Aziza Caruso Horta Devolder, who died in 2016, says she was born in Niterói, a suburb of Rio de Janeiro, on Dec. 22, 1962, to Paul and Rosalina Devolder.


And it gets even better. The DailyBeast is now reporting that, while Santos may in fact be “openly gay” today, he was actually married to a woman up until 2019, and he did not disclose the relationship or the divorce:

Santos, who claims he has “never experienced discrimination in the Republican Party,” broke barriers this year when he became the first openly gay non-incumbent GOP candidate elected to Congress.

But according to court records obtained by The Daily Beast, Santos appears to be the subject of a previously unacknowledged Sept. 2019 divorce with a woman in Queens County, New York. The divorce—which Santos has not discussed publicly—adds new uncertainty to his already shaky biographical and political claims.

“I am openly gay, have never had an issue with my sexual identity in the past decade, and I can tell you and assure you, I will always be an advocate for LGBTQ folks,” Santos told USA Today in October.


Hakeem Jeffries, the incoming Democratic minority leader in the House, has said that Santos is unfit to hold office, and if he doesn’t resign, it’s looking like he could face criminal charges for perpetrating fraud on voters. “He appears to be a complete and utter fraud — his whole life story made up,” Jeffries told reporters. “And he’s going to have to answer that question: Did you perpetrate a fraud on the voters of the 3rd Congressional District in New York?”

For his part, Santos has told supporters that he’ll answer their questions soon. He just needs a week or so to come up with some more lies:

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