Paddy O’Brian Returns To Gay Porn In Mad Max-Themed Series

Posted February 16, 2016 by with 29 comments


Did you miss him? Paddy O’Brian’s been MIA from gay porn for over six months, but he makes his return to, where he’s still an exclusive, in a Mad Max-themed series premiering this weekend. It’s called Apocalypse, and here’s Paddy all dressed up:

2The last time Paddy made news was when he sucked dick put a dick in his mouth for the first time, and it was a huge disappointment. (His gangbang bottoming scene was much better.) This looks much more promising, and as usual, the European production arm of put a lot of work into it. (Although, good grief, they could’ve had the guys take off at least some of their ugly/distracting costumes while fucking.)

14Apocalypse starts this Saturday, February 20th. In the opening scene, Paddy O’Brian slams the insanely and almost ridiculously gorgeous Hector de Silva. You can’t really tell how hot he is though, since he’s almost unrecognizable under all the silly costuming.


Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[ Apocalypse—Paddy O’Brian Fucks Hector de Silva]


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