Did You Know Paul Canon Was Such A Good Cocksucker?

Posted May 31, 2016 by with 38 comments

0018He usually makes news for his off-screen antics, so Paul Canon fans might be surprised to see him doing something that isn’t controversial, for once. As it happens, Paul Canon is pretty good at deep-throating giant cocks, and he’s showing off his skills today with JJ Knight on Men.com:


Last week, Paul Canon did some similarly nice cock socking (with a cock that isn’t nearly as big, but still) in a scene with Phenix Saint:


Back to today’s update, where Paul sucks JJ Knight’s cock while being handcuffed to a police car, for some reason.

0007 0010 0014 0025Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Men.com: JJ Knight Fucks Paul Canon]


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