WATCH: Here’s The Trailer For BelAmi’s Upcoming “Summer Break” Scenes
Summer is nearly half over, and so is BelAmi’s 16-week “Summer Break” series. But, there are still over a dozen scenes set for release through September, and the studio has just released a new trailer highlighting some of them. That trailer is below, but first, take note of the outrageously and offensively hot guy in the photos below. His name is Jayden Guillory, and he’s a brand new BelAmi model who’ll be appearing in an upcoming “Summer Break” scene soon. Jesus Christ:
While we wait for Jayden, here’s the trailer for the upcoming “Summer Break” scenes in August and September, with a glimpse of Jayden and also starring: Kevin Warhol, Adam Archuleta, Andre Boleyn, Hoyt Kogan, Ariel Vanean, Peter Annaud, Helmut Huxley, Christian Lundgren, Jerome Exupery, Dylan Maguire, Marcel Gassion, and more (all previously released “Summer Break” scenes are here):