Poll Shows Gavin Newsom A Stronger 2024 Presidential Candidate Than Kamala Harris

Posted July 5, 2022 by with 16 comments


A recently released Yahoo News/YouGov survey conducted between June 24-27 polled hypothetical 2024 matchups between President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Newsom on the Democratic side against former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on the Republican side.

The poll found Biden leading Trump 42% to 40% and DeSantis 41% to 37%. It found Harris tied with Trump 41% to 41%, but matched Biden’s margin against DeSantis at 41% to 37%.

Finally, it found Newsom beating Trump 40% to 39% and DeSantis 39% to 36%. In every single matchup polled, there are lots of undecided voters. The smallest number of undecided voters is seen in the Harris-Trump matchup (18%), and the largest number is seen in Newsom vs. DeSantis (25%).


Just for fun…

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