Pope Says Cumming Is A “Gift From God,” But “Avoid Porn”

Posted January 17, 2024 by with 2 comments

Anyone on earth give two fucks what the geriatric leader of the world’s largest and longest running global pedophile ring thinks about anything? I of course don’t, but anytime his name pops up, it’s always a good excuse to post pics from BelAmi’s “Scandal In The Vatican” porn. Today, Pope Francis is in the news for some remarks he made about fucking and cumming and having orgasms during a “catechesis devoted to the vice of lust,” whatever the hell that means. Via Guardian:

“Sexual pleasure is a gift from God” but Catholics must avoid pornography, Pope Francis has said.

The pontiff made the remarks during a catechesis devoted to the “vice of lust” at his general audience in Saint Peter’s Square on Wednesday.

Sexual pleasure was something to be cherished, he said, but it was being “undermined by pornography”, and “satisfaction without a relationship can generate forms of addiction”.

“We must defend love,” the pope said. But he added: “Winning against the battle of lust can be a lifelong undertaking.”


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