Pregnant Surgical Tech Arrested For Fucking Inmate In Georgia Prison Operating Room

Posted June 29, 2023 by with 2 comments

Via Augusta Press:

An Augusta woman who works as a surgical technician at the Augusta State Medical Prison was caught Friday having sex with an inmate, authorities said.

Faatimah Maddox, 30, confessed to having sex multiple times with inmate Joshua Demery, who is serving a life sentence for a violent armed robbery. The prison staffer revealed that she was three or four months pregnant and said Demery may be the father.

After her shocking confession, Maddox was arrested for sexual assault by a person with supervisory or disciplinary authority, a felony that carries a possible 25-year prison sentence. Under state law, a prison guard can be charged with sexual assault even if the prisoner consents.

According to authorities, prison officials were doing a head count Friday at the Grovetown facility and the inmate was not there. Guards searched the prison and found Maddox alone with the inmate in an operating room that had not been active in two years, authorities said. Security staff also found soiled sheets with a mixture of bodily fluids and hair.

Demery, 36, is serving life in prison for shooting a Glynn County woman in the face in 2012, stealing marijuana and fleeing police.


Funny that the whole family will be in jail when she gives birth, although I guess the baby will be put up for adoption, unless you can raise a child in prison? Ha ha, no, you can’t do that…yet. But it sounds like something the United States might allow eventually, given how many people we like to lock up, and given that abortion is illegal in half the country. Life behind bars for a child would actually be safer than living in some rundown apartment in most American neighborhoods, and they’d never have to worry about housing, food, or clothing. They could have daycare, free medical services, and a complete education in jail, and best of all, the kids can’t be killed in a mass shooting at a public school. So, free prison for all American children! It’s the best and safest option at this point.

Here’s the inmate/soon-to-be father:

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