[UPDATED] Pro-Life MAGA Senate Candidate Paid For Girlfriend’s $700 Abortion

Posted October 3, 2022 by with 11 comments

[Updated with new video below]

Herschel Walker—the incoherent, pro-life, and Republican U.S. Senate candidate from Georgia who can barely speak in complete sentences—paid for an ex-girlfriend’s abortion back in 2009, and The Daily Beast has the receipt from the abortion clinic, a copy of the personal check signed by Walker, and a “get well soon” card from Walker as evidence. They’ve also corroborated the woman’s abortion story from a friend who helped her recover from the procedure. Via Daily Beast:

A woman who asked not to be identified out of privacy concerns told The Daily Beast that, after she and Walker conceived a child while they were dating in 2009, he urged her to get an abortion. The woman said she had the procedure and that Walker reimbursed her for it.

She supported these claims with a $575 receipt from the abortion clinic, a “get well” card from Walker, and a bank deposit receipt that included an image of a signed $700 personal check from Walker.

The woman said there was a $125 difference because she “ball-parked” the cost of an abortion after Googling the procedure and added on expenses such as travel and recovery costs.

Additionally, The Daily Beast independently corroborated details of the woman’s claims with a close friend she told at the time and who, according to the woman and the friend, took care of her in the days after the procedure.


All the details at the link, including photos of the card Walker sent.

Walker, of course, denies paying for the abortion, calling the story a “lie” and a smear campaign:

Walker is desperately hoping to unseat Democrat Raphael Warnock, who took office in 2021 and became the first Black senator from Georgia. Recent polls have suggested the race is neck and neck.

After the abortion story broke tonight, Walker’s son (a MAGA lunatic in his own right who’s made a career out of being a social media troll), Christian Walker, posted the below tweets (and video) that re-confirm The Daily Beast’s reporting. Who knew this worthless freak would be the one that could ultimately destroy his brain dead daddy’s campaign?

And the new videos released this morning:

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