Protests Around The World Denounce Israeli Genocide Of Palestinians

Posted October 28, 2023 by with 1 comment

The report above showing that the entire world is standing with Palestine is good to see, but it’s unfortunate that these protests will likely do nothing to stop Israel’s barbaric slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. Israel’s senseless massacre of innocent civilians is not unlike the senseless massacre that Hamas carried out against innocent Israelis on October 7th, although Israel is of course murdering many more, while turning entire neighborhoods full of children into rubble. Also, it’s completely unknown what will become of the 200+ hostages being held by Hamas, especially given that Israel has cut off all communications inside Gaza. The cycle of death, occupation, and terror will never end.

More via WSWS:

Following the severing of communication by IDF attacks, it has become nearly impossible to get reliable data on the number of people being massacred. The latest figures from the Gaza Ministry of Health reveal that at least 7,703 Palestinians have been killed by IDF forces since October 7. In their latest update, Defense for Children-Palestine reported โ€œ3,195 Palestinian children are confirmed killed in Gaza and at least 1,000 are missing under the rubble as Israel isolates Gaza from the rest of the world. Along with other organizations, DCIP has completely lost contact with staff in Gaza.โ€

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