Not Again: Puerto Rican Nephew Files Sexual Assault Complaint Against Ricky Martin

Posted September 10, 2022 by with 1 comment

The crazy nephew strikes again!

He withdrew his initial complaint earlier this summer, and now, after being sued for $30 million, he’s filed another one. At what point does this guy get arrested for filing false police reports? Via The Hill:

A sexual assault complaint has been filed against Puerto Rico pop star Ricky Martin, who recently sued his nephew over what he said were false allegations of sexual abuse.

The complaint was filed Friday at a police precinct in the capital of San Juan, police spokesman Edward Ramírez told The Associated Press on Saturday. Information including who filed the complaint and details of the allegations are not public, given the nature of the complaint.

A person who was not authorized to speak about the case confirmed that Martin’s nephew, Dennis Yadiel Sánchez Martin, filed the complaint.

[The Hill]

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