Quadruple-Vaccinated Gavin Newsom Infected With COVID

Posted May 28, 2022 by with 4 comments

The only thing that prevents infection is a good mask and social distancing, both of which obviously aren’t part of Gavin Newsom’s routine. In addition to being vaccinated and receiving two booster shots (his fourth shot was just a couple weeks ago), he started the prescription antiviral Paxlovoid today. Via NBC:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom tested positive for COVID-19 on Saturday, a day after a high-profile meeting with the visiting prime minister of New Zealand.

Newsom has mild symptoms and will remain in isolation at least through Thursday and until he tests negative, his office said in a statement. The Democratic governor plans to work remotely during that time.

His office said Newsom, 54, will begin a five-day regimen of the Paxlovid antiviral.

The governor’s office said it does not know how Newsom contracted the virus. He is vaccinated and received his second booster shot this month.

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