Here’s The Creepiest RawCastings Video Yet

Posted June 29, 2016 by with 16 comments

IMG_2815Last week’s RawCastings update was downright disgusting.

This week’s is just plain scary.

IMG_2845With deplorable duo Dallas Reeves and Baileey having been exposed as the production team behind this site, I guess it shouldn’t come as any surprise that this poor newcomer looks terrified as fuck throughout the entire video. His name—if it matters?—is Jake Riley, and who knows if we’ll ever see him again. Also: Who is topping him raw in this scene?

IMG_2835Whoever the top is, he ends up dumping a load in the newbie’s butt.

IMG_2894Maybe the appeal of this site is that it’s supposed to feel like the newcomer’s life is in imminent danger? If so, well done. Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[ Jake Riley]

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