It’s 2016, And There Is A New Gay Porn Studio Called “Reality Thugs”

Posted June 28, 2016 by with 91 comments

thugsSometimes I think that the state of gay porn can’t get any worse. Then, something like this happens.

RealityDudes has launched another subsite to round out its network (DickDorm, BoysFirstTime, Str8Chaser, etc.), and it’s bad on pretty much every level. Welcome to “

thugs2Perhaps even worse than using the word “thug” to depict black men in 2016, this is just plain awful porn. Come for the offensive stereotype, stay for the shitty content.

htugsPorn has always profited by exploiting stereotypes and fetishizing groups (MILFs, blacks, Asians, twinks, daddies, etc.), and this site is likely appealing to some by virtue of the fact that it’s offensive. The real problem that RealityThugs has is that there are already dozens of so-called “thug” porn studios out there with guys who are actually great performers in scenes that are actually well made. So, what is even the point of this, other than to just be deliberately terrible in every regard? If you’re gonna go out of your way to make racist porn, at least make that racist porn hot.

htugs4In addition to being racist and homophobic, this scene also features a bizarre/disgusting bit of dialog from the top about how the bottom’s asshole is as tight as his mom’s. Just in case you weren’t throwing up in your mouth already.

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