Quick Reminder: The CDC Wants You Dead

Posted September 27, 2022 by with 5 comments

Via TheHill:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention no longer recommends universal masking in health care settings, unless the facilities are in areas of high COVID-19 transmission.

The agency quietly issued the updates as part of an overhaul to its infection control guidance for health workers published late Friday afternoon. It marks a major departure from the agency’s previous recommendation for universal masking.

“Updates were made to reflect the high levels of vaccine-and infection-induced immunity and the availability of effective treatments and prevention tools,” the CDC’s new guidance says.


This is beyond insane, of course, given that people going to hospitals or any health care facility are already having medical problems that make them vulnerable to severe disease or death from COVID. Those with conditions like cancer, diabetes, organ transplants, obesity, or heart disease are at great risk of death even after receiving multiple COVID vaccines, so perhaps the CDC’s goal is to kill as many people as possible. I can only hope that cancer and surgical centers will ignore the CDC and maintain their own mask mandates.

The midterm elections are coming, so the media and all of our worthless elected officials will not be speaking of COVID anytime soon, but, as most know, COVID transmission is sky high nationwide, with over 400 people dying every day (roughly one 9/11 per week).

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