Richard Simmons Disavows Biopic Starring Pauly Shore

Posted January 17, 2024 by with 7 comments

Someone as iconic as Richard Simmons deserves a much better star than Pauly Shore portraying him in a biopic, and when I read the news this morning about the upcoming “film,” I thought it had to be a joke. It won’t even go direct-to-streaming or Roku, and will likely just be uploaded to Twitter or something. News on this trash is here, but more importantly, Richard Simmons made a rare public statement about the biopic, and he confirmed that he has nothing to do with it. Simmons posted on Facebook:

Hi Everybody! You may have heard they may be doing a movie about me with Pauly Shore. I have never given my permission for this movie. So don’t believe everything you read. I no longer have a manager, and I no longer have a publicist. I just try to live a quiet life and be peaceful. Thank you for all your love and support.


There’s already a short film with Shore as Simmons coming out on YouTube this week, and this is a separate project that has nothing to do with the biopic. Can Shore come up with anything else? The trailer:

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