Ron DeSantis Fires Back At Trump With Confusing Response To Pudding Ad

Posted April 17, 2023 by with 1 comment

Trump’s campaign ad against Ron DeSantis last week was smart and stuck to the issues (issues Trump was blatantly lying about, but issues nonetheless), while at the same time took a hilarious swipe at DeSantis for eating pudding with his fingers. Unlike the Trump ad, the DeSantis response in the below ad out today is a total mess and is all over the place (first he’s defending Trump by slamming the D.A. in NYC, then he compares Trump to Pelosi?), and it tries (but fails) to make too many points about too much in one 30-second clip. I get the overall attempt to paint Trump as a liar (which is true), but the average idiot (i.e., most Americans) watching cable news might have trouble putting it all together, especially if they haven’t seen the pudding ad. And if they haven’t seen the pudding ad, this response will only make them more likely to look for it! Yet another miserable failure for meatball Ron and his doomed campaign:

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