Horse-Hung Donald Trump Supporter Sam Truitt Fucks Logan Cross Bareback

Posted April 7, 2016 by with 51 comments

Introducing-Sam-Truitt--008It’s always a shame when a guy with such a giant cock is such a giant idiot. As previously reported, big-dicked Sam Truitt is a proud Donald Trump supporter, so you’ll have to wrestle with that fact if you want to enjoy watching him fuck Logan Cross bareback today.

In fact, Truitt isn’t just your average Trump supporter, he’s a “Radical Trump Supporter.”


Can you separate out Sam Truitt’s horrible political views and just enjoy watching his amazing cock slide in and out of Logan’s amazing ass? I almost can, tbh! Almost.

Introducing-Sam-Truitt--014 Introducing-Sam-Truitt--015Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Helix Studios: Sam Truitt Fucks Logan Cross Bareback]


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