San Francisco Declares State Of Emergency Over Monkeypox

Posted July 28, 2022 by with 0 comments

It begins:

The city of San Francisco, California, declared a state of emergency on Thursday in response to the spread of monkeypox.

“It will help with City resources, emergency planning, staffing, coordination across City agencies and allow for future reimbursement by the state and federal governments,” the San Francisco Department of Public Health said in a statement on Thursday. “It will also raise awareness throughout San Francisco about how everyone can stop the spread of monkeypox in our community.”

As of Wednesday, there were 261 probable or confirmed cases in the city, according to officials.


Like with the severe undercount on COVID cases due to unreported infections, you need to multiply that 261 by at least 10 to reach a more accurate count.

The vaccine doses sent to SF have fallen far short of what the city requested:

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