San Marino Elects World’s First Openly Gay Head Of State

Posted April 1, 2022 by with 10 comments

OK, not gonna lie, I had to Google where San Marino was (I knew it was somewhere near Italy!), and even though it’s a tiny little sliver of a country with a population that’s less than that of Palm Springs, it’s still nice to hear they’ve elected a gay as their leader. He’s a hunky silver daddy, his name is Paolo Rondelli, and he’ll serve as one of the country’s “captains regent” (even that sounds gay) for the next six months. Via MSN:

San Marino has reportedly become the first country in the world to elect an openly LGBT+ head of state. Paolo Rondelli has been chosen as one of the small European country’s two “captains regent,” who will lead San Marino for the next six months, alongside Oscar Mina.

The 58-year-old said on Facebook that he will “probably be the first head of state belonging to the LGBT community”.

Marco Tonti — head of the Arcigay association in Emilia-Romagna where San Marino is located — hailed it as “a historic event”.

“He is the first openly gay head of state and activist for the rights of the LGBT community,” Tonti said.

“There are precedents among heads of government and ministers but this is a world-first for a head of state.”

San Marino — a microstate of just 34,000 people — is landlocked within the Italian region of Emilia Romagna.

The country’s two “captains regent” preside over the nations’ Grand General Council, the legislative body that elects them every six months.

[MSN: San Marino becomes first country in the world with LGBT+ head of state]

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