Can This Man Save Sean Cody?
Most of us have had it with Sean Cody introducing hot solo model after hot solo model and never having them come back for a bareback duo. Instead, we a get a billion updates with Eddie, Jack, and Brody (or as I like to call it, the Holy Trilogy Of Ugh). For example, last November we met Sean Cody’s Christopher, and two months later he’s still nowhere to be found. Today, Sean Cody is introducing someone even hotter than Christopher, and arguably hotter than everyone they introduced last year. Please say hello to Alan:
Now this is a fucking Sean Cody model. He’s like the perfect hybrid of Marshall and Jamie!
Body? Check.
Cock? Good God, check.
Not only does Alan look good in the retouched glamor shots, he’s basically perfect in the screengrabs and video, too.
Also, get ready, because Big Alan is a big shooter:
And, bless his heart, he’s not afraid to do a taste test.
If Sean Cody doesn’t bring Alan back for a duo, will you ever be able to forgive them? I don’t think I’ll be able to, tbh.
Trailer (watch full scene here):