Sean Cody’s Brooks: Is His Cock Actually Too Big?

Posted February 9, 2014 by with 21 comments

sean cody brooks ajay barebackThis weekend, Sean Cody released donkey-dicked Brooks’ first bottoming scene, with Ajay (a.k.a. Aaron Savvy). Granted, it’s a flip-fuck, but does this mean the studio has finally grown tired of trying to fit Brooks’ Pringles can-shaped cock into so many tight holes?

tumblr_mq204dSmZV1qjzwvbo1_500brooks sean codyBefore flip-fucking with Ajay, Brooks had three previous topping scenes, and in each one, the sight of his cock being squeezed into his scene partner’s hole was legitimately insane.

I mean…
sean cody brooks jayden barebacksean cody brooks jayden bareback 2sean cody brooks ryan barebacktumblr_mgyoqzJbYC1qjzwvbo1_500[Sean Cody: Brooks Barebacks Jayden; Brooks Barebacks Ryan]

Even experienced power bottom Ryan couldn’t really handle it. And it’s not like his hole hasn’t been stretched a zillion times before.

tumblr_mv7hofgk7a1qef808o1_500tumblr_mv7hofgk7a1qef808o2_500[Sean Cody: Brooks Barebacks Ryan]

But by far the most extreme and almost absurd example of Brooks’ cock being too big was when he barebacked Cain. Seriously?


sean cody brooks cain barebackTrailer (watch full scene):

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[Sean Cody: Brooks Barebacks Cain]

It’s too early to say whether Brooks will be transitioning to full time power bottom, or if his flip-fuck with Ajay was just a one-time thing. But after watching him get fucked, it looks like he enjoyed it? Judge for yourself—here’s the full scene.

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[Sean Cody: Brooks and Ajay Flip-Fuck]

[Sean Cody: Brooks’ Complete Bareback Filmography]


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