Can You Do This?

Posted March 17, 2014 by with 6 comments

tumblr_n28p3zDRjY1tum44uo1_500Cock Bouncing. Dick Dancing. Penis Push-Ups. Call it whatever you want, but being able to make your penis sway to and fro without using your hands is the most mesmerizing and amazing talent I have ever witnessed (yes, I’m easily impressed). If you can do it, congratulations. Two things seem to be prerequisites in order to pull off this trick: 1. You have to have a dick long enough (and heavy enough) to gather momentum and get a good swing going, and 2. Your dick and underlying pelvic region have to be muscular and strong enough to sustain the movements on their own.

tumblr_m78fbgIt961qzz0ybo1_500OK, so why am I even talking about cock bouncing? WELL, it’s because today’s Sean Cody update features one of the longest, most intense cock bouncing sessions I’ve seen in recent memory. Prior to today, Sean Cody’s Ethan (in the above gifs) held the dick dancing record, but now, Sean Cody’s Seth may have him beat.

Here’s Sean Cody’s Seth and his magical penis:

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill

[Sean Cody: Seth]

Is cock bouncing the new helicoptering?
Would you let someone give you a black eye with their dick?
Can you move your own dick without using your hands?

Other fine examples of dick bouncing, dick slapping, dick wobbling, dick swinging, and dick flopping, for your reference:

tumblr_m8ef7snVj81rdq69go2_500 tumblr_m7yckngfQj1qdot54o1_500 tumblr_mzj241lDiV1s4ah51o1_400 tumblr_my7ovhRl1z1sqkjcto1_400 tumblr_mx7s4dsotW1sx2rb3o1_500 tumblr_muvbl1TAmQ1qfuhjdo1_500 tumblr_mtjy37Osj81sqkjcto1_400 tumblr_ms00zzSzu21rpdgkto1_500 tumblr_my190bxQf11sx2rb3o1_400 tumblr_n11x5tUNTM1sw7qv9o1_500tumblr_mxol6wYQWW1sksey6o1_500

[Ethan, Jess, Marshall, Seth via Sean Cody]
[Mick Lovell via Bel Ami]
[James Jamesson via NextDoorBuddies]

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