Would You Like To Work For Sean Cody? Here’s Your Chance

Posted February 4, 2016 by with 39 comments


If you’ve always dreamed about recruiting Sean Cody models, writing Sean Cody scene descriptions, assisting with Sean Cody shoots, and being a part of the elite Sean Cody team, today’s your lucky day. (And no, Donald Burns need not apply.)

Via LinkedIn:

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Note that a college degree is required, so hopefully the applicants will know how to spell. The salary is unlisted, but a production assistant for a major gay porn studio probably makes somewhere between $40-$50k per year, with benefits.

It’s clear that Sean Cody has needed help finding new models for some time now, based on the quality of content they’ve released over the last six months, and based on the fact that they’ve got Brandon on Twitter trying to recruit guys:

brandWho knows…maybe you could be the one to discover the next Calvin or Tanner?

Speaking of Tanner, his latest scene came out today, and it puts him in the lead as the Sean Cody model with the most number of videos. Tanner now has 37, compared to 36 for Curtis.

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[Sean Cody: Tanner Fucks Jasper Bareback]


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