Jack Obliterates Forrest’s Fat Ass

Posted May 18, 2016 by with 112 comments

9Forrest’s ass just keeps getting bigger and bigger, which is probably a turn-on for many. It’s on full display in today’s Sean Cody update, and having Jack put his face in between them was a great idea:


The good news about this scene: Forrest finally found a powertop worthy of slamming his fat ass:

8 26 28 33While Jack continues to look incredible, Forrest has unfortunately lost some of his muscle definition.

forrestrThis bareback scene also features a fun “first”: Jack gets a finger up his asshole. Will his bottoming debut be next? Also: They finally moved out of that room with the white chair! Check out Sean Cody’s new set in this trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Sean Cody: Jack Fucks Forrest Bareback]


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